Meher Baba‘s words on Shirdi Sai Baba
- “You will never be able to understand thoroughly how great Sai Baba is. He is the very personification of perfection. If you know Him as I know Him, you would call Him the Master of Creation”
- “His eyes were matchless. No one in the world has such eyes.”
- “In a way, the five Perfect Masters made me what I am, the Ancient One. He is my Grandfather.”
- “If there is real love, it is here. He is everywhere, and I am everywhere.”
- This fakir was the head of the spiritual hierarchy and the leading Perfect Master of his time. He who held the key to all worlds and universes in his very hands appeared as a ragged beggar in a small village called Shirdi.
THE NEXT DAY, June 5th, Baba went with a few of the mandali to Aurangabad, and from there proceeded to the Ellora Caves and the area called Khuldabad.
While drinking tea at Khuldabad, Baba disclosed, “The tomb of Sai Baba’s Master Zarzari Bakhsh is in Khuldabad.” When asked how this could be since Zarzari Bakhsh actually lived hundreds of years prior to Sai Baba, Meher Baba answered, “You have no idea of how great is the grace of the Perfect Master. While Zarzari Bakhsh was alive, Sai, in a previous incarnation, was his disciple. The Master’s grace descended upon him at that time; however, it carried over and made him perfect after seven hundred years. Zarzari Bakhsh means Giver of the Wealth of Wealth. This he gave to Sai.”
The group returned to Meherabad the same day.
This post is part of Dictum of Great Souls on Shirdi Sai Baba
I believe that when the Ancient One said our Sia Baba was the Qutub of the age as the key holder then we must accept and embrace this knowledge completely. Frankly, I would like to read more about what the Avatar shared about and with the Ones who brought Him to the World. We all are most fortunate to have lived in this age whether there is belief or not on the part of individuals.
We know that Meher Baba suspended the work other Sadgurus were doing during His physical advent and for many years thereafter. I think now the full presence and spiritual force of the Masters is released to work in the World again for the release of humanity in peace and love if we dare embrace the Master or Masters of our choosing as pilgrams and disciples. Anyway, those who wish to ascend are guided to do so by the proper Master even if it takes hundreds of years to do so and even none believers are greatly advanced.